Computer Repairs

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We offer solutions for the following:

Pacific Pines Computer Repairs

Looking for computer repair services in Pacific Pines? Call 0424 387 375

The following list are typical calls that we get from clients all the time.
Maybe you can identify with one or many or none of these typical computer repair issues?

  • Not sure what goes where when setting up your computer equipment
  • Damaged your computer accidentally and your need to claim it on insurance
  • When you start your computer there a blue screen with writing on it
  • Getting frustrated with your computer as it takes ages to do things on it
  • You're getting strange popup messages displaying on your monitor
  • Can't get into your computer and you want a backup your photo's or assignment
  • Computer not starting
  • Computer takes a long time to start
  • There is a lot of dust on the inside of your computer
  • Not sure if your wireless internet is secure
  • Would like to have all the latest operating system updates downloaded and installed but cannot do it because of limited internet data downloads
  • Would like to get rid of all the toolbars and addons in your browser
  • Would like to have more space on your hard drive, not sure whats taking up all of the drive space.
  • Computer starts then goes for a while then shuts down
  • Was connected to the internet now cannot get back onto it
  • The screen stays blank when starting computer
  • Computer does not start when pushing the on button on the computer
  • Computer started but then there was a pop and a puff of smoke from the rear of the computer
  • accidentally dropped your laptop or ran over it, now you want the data save from it
  • Trying to print a hardcopy but there is only the Microsoft XPS Document Writer, Send to OneNote, Microsoft Print to PDF options
  • Cannot view PDF's
  • Clicked on a link in an Australia Post/Telstra/AGL email to view invoice now computer is encrypted
  • All the modem lights are green but there is no internet
  • Worried that your laptop may be stolen and you'll lose all your personal files and images
  • Had a black out or a brown out in your area now your computer is not starting
  • Its been raining and now your computer will not start
  • You have several email accounts and you want to view them all in one area
  • Drop in pc for its annual optimisation and check for any other software hardware issues
  • You'd like to have a business card presence on the internet
  • Been looking at your laptop screen too hard and now its cracked

If your issue is not listed or you're viewing this website on your mobile, you're more that welcome to call us (no obligation) to see if we can help you on 0424 387 375

In-House Computer Repairs

You can either bring your computer repair job to us for a cheaper rate of computer repair service or you can arrange for us to come onsite at your place at Pacific Pines for computer repairs. Overall we seek to repair your computer at the best possible price and computer services to all of the Pacific Pines and surrounding areas. Please see our rates below.

We can even make allowances with our opening times to accommodate when you can drop off or pick up your computer when required, as we're aware that everyone has certain time constraints to work around according to their commitments.

When you call, we'll discuss your Pacific Pines computer repair requirements, options and advise you accordingly.

Phone 0424 387 375

Pacific Pines Computer Lessons

When you're limited for time and mobility, the internet can save you in both time and convenience.

When you're online you can do some of the following
  • How to safely do online banking
  • How to safely shop online for clothes, music, movies, home wares and get what you purchase delivered to your door step
  • How to safely hire movies and services online
  • How to safely buy tickets for movies, shows and other forms of entertainment
  • How to safely order meals and groceries
  • How to download photos from devices and email photo's to friends and family anywhere in the world
  • How to talk for free to friends and family anywhere in the world
  • How to safely lodge forms to government departments and health departments
  • How to safely learn anything online to a PHD

There's a whole world online awaiting to be discovered by you.

Easily gain skills you need, in everyday language, with simple step by step instructions and there are no age limits.

Abcom IT Services can help you learn how to access and utilize these online conveniences and more.

When you call, we'll discuss your Pacific Pines computer tuition requirements, options and advise you accordingly.

Phone 0424 387 375